
2017年11月30日—Higuys,WillyoutakeyouroldrankfromROHOSordoyoustartalloveragain..?,Showyourteamthatyou'reabovetherankandfilewiththissetofCustomizationoptionsthatputyouacutaboveregularinfantry.,BeinevidencewithRisingStorm2:Vietnam-PullingRankCosmetic,thisDLCallowsyoutocustomizeyourcharacteraccordingtotherankofinfantryit ...,2018年3月19日—Level25-39:2ndLieutenant/2ndLieutenant/JuniorLieutenant/Lie...

Rank progress :: Rising Storm 2

2017年11月30日 — Hi guys, Will you take your old rank from ROHOS or do you start all over again..?

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Show your team that you're above the rank and file with this set of Customization options that put you a cut above regular infantry.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

Be in evidence with Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Pulling Rank Cosmetic, this DLC allows you to customize your character according to the rank of infantry it ...

Ranks on Uniforms, maybe?

2018年3月19日 — Level 25-39: 2nd Lieutenant/2nd Lieutenant/Junior Lieutenant/Lieutenant · Level 40-54: 1st Lieutenant/1st Lieutenant/Senior Lieutenant/Lieutenant.

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam - Pulling Rank

Show your team that you're above the rank and file with this set of Customization options that put you a cut above regular infantry.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
